Motivation to Succeed

Rasha Jaber

Rasha Jaber
River Edge, NJ
Major: Arabic
Additional Major: Child Development

What does receiving a scholarship mean to you?
It means a lot to me because I feel like I have so many more opportunities in the future. It motivates me to work harder in the future.

Why Montclair State University? What attracted you/how have you benefited from what the University offers?
Because it has Arabic majors, and it's close to my home. Many of my friends told me that they have really good jobs after graduating because of the choices Montclair offered.

Why did you choose your major and where do you see yourself after graduation?
I chose Arabic because Arabic is my main language, and I want to be an Arabic teacher in the future.

What in your area of study do you find particularly interesting and inspiring?
Writing in Arabic has helped me express myself, and I can write about everything I think.

What are some highlights of your time at Montclair State University — academically, athletically, extra-curricular activities or other memorable experiences?
Participating in online lectures and debating some topics with my classmates and professors.

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